Prescription Medication Addiction Treatment

Recovery Direct provides comprehensive therapeutic care for individuals suffering from prescription medication addiction problem? Recovery Direct’s counsellors are specialists in helping patients through to prescription drug issues.

While most prescription medication is beneficial to society, when taken incorrectly, prescription medication can be as detrimental to patients as any other drug addiction. Many prescription medications have the potential to become both psychologically or physically addictive. The availability of these drugs makes prescription medication addiction a common feature in treating drug addiction.

Use of prescription drugs outside of medical applications continues to grow at an alarming rate. According to a 2016 study, nearly 15% of high school students are using prescription medication illegally. Find the best treatment and begin your new life, free from prescription drug addiction. Each of us is unique. We will help you select your ideal prescription drug addiction treatment program.

Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment

According to The Partnership for a Drug Free America, one in five teenagers abused prescription painkillers, tranquillisers or stimulants. Many people turn to prescription drug abuse because of the false sense of security these drugs provide.
Addicts believe that drugs are safe because a doctor prescribed them. However, they do not take the various dosage amounts into account. Doctors take age, sex, weight and symptoms of the patient into account when prescribing these drugs. Because teens do not have the training necessary to do this, overdose, abuse, extreme side effects and death is possible when teenagers abuse prescription drugs.The most commonly abused prescriptions are sedatives and stimulants such as OxyContin and Vicodin.


There are four main types of prescription drugs teens abuse: tranquillizers, painkillers, stimulants and sedatives. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, the most common of these are painkillers and stimulants. The age of the teen usually dictates the type of drugs she is abusing. Young teens have a tendency to look for analgesic, whereas older adolescents have a tendency to use stimulants.Prescription medicines commonly abused includes the following main categories:

  1. Sedatives: They are referred to as sedative because they affect the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and decrease brain function. Included are sedatives (used to make a person calm and sleepy) and other sedatives, intended to reduce tension or anxiety..
  2. Opiates and morphine derivatives: They are commonly referred to as painkillers, as they contain opium-like substances and are used to relieve pain.
  3. Stimulants: A group of substances which are intended to increase energy and alertness. But that also increases blood pressure, pulse and breathing.
  4. Antidepressants: Psychiatric medications are supposed to handle depression.

Signs in Teens

The signs of prescription drug abuse in teens similar to teens using alcohol. Any notice of these signs is a good reason to talk to your teenager about prescription drug abuse. In some cases, a trip to the doctor may be in order. Descending qualities are a fairly common sign. Teens, using extremely high doses of medications may have a yellow colour of their skin and the whites of their eyes are caused by an impaired liver. Irritability, isolation and other mood disorders are common.


The best way to prevent prescription drug abuse is to use a two-pronged strategy. First, talk to the individual about the dangers of prescription drug abuse. Be sure to mention that abusing prescription drugs is much the same as illicit drugs. The second part of this plan is to keep all prescription medications locked away. Purchasing a fireproof safe and keeping the key with you at all times is one way to do this.

To understand the signs of disordered substance use, one needs to know the habits of someone abusing prescription drugs. An addict will often seek prescription drugs from more than one doctor. Abusers can also intentionally “lose prescriptions”, so that “new prescriptions” can be issued. A prescription drug addict may even steal prescription pills or doctor’s prescription pads and can start buying prescription drugs from distributors rather than through pharmacies. They commonly take higher doses than recommended due to the development of tolerance to the drug.

Opioid-containing prescriptions are among the most commonly abused drugs. The abuse effects of opioids include depression, impaired respiration, lowered blood pressure and constipation. Opioid prescriptions work the same way as other opioid-containing drugs such as heroin. Just like heroin, prescription medications act as depressants on the central nervous system. In high doses, opioids can lead to overdoses and death. Since prescription addicts quickly develop tolerance, it’s only a matter of time before there is a real risk of death by overdose.

Soothing medications, particularly those which are classified in the benzodiazepines category, are another common choice for prescription drug addicts. The longterm effects of sedative abuse include drowsiness, lack of body control when walking, confusion, judgment impairment and slow speech. In high enough doses, tranquillizers can put the body into a coma and even cause premature death.

Stimulants are also a commonly abused prescription drug. These drugs are used in the treatment of ADD and ADHD. When not taken as prescribed, these stimulants can rapidly lead to addictions. The effects abusing prescription stimulants include irritability, insomnia, inability to sit still, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, blood vessel constriction and an increase in blood sugar levels. In high enough doses, stimulants become deadly by increasing body temperature above healthy levels and causing irregular heartbeat and even seizures.

The use of prescription drugs otherwise than for what they have been prescribed is illegal. Obtaining prescriptions through fraud or buying or selling prescription drugs without a doctor’s prescription is illegal. Prescription drug abuse, like any other addiction, can also affect family, friends and work relationships. Finding help for prescription drug addictions before they spiral out of control is urgent.

Addiction Causes in Teens

Teenagers gravitate to prescription drugs for a number of reasons. Stress at school or at home, are sometimes the primary causes. Peer pressure can play a role in the decision to take these drugs. Low self-esteem is common among teenagers addicted to prescription drugs. Some teens turn to prescription drug use to cope with an emotionally difficult time, such as a parent’s divorce or the death of someone close.

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When you discover that a person is addicted to prescription drugs, it is important to be supportive and not demeaning. It is all too easy to accuse and put the person down, which is counterproductive. Instead be there for the individual and offer to help find them someone to speak to. Recovering from an addiction is not easy for anyone, get the right help.

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