What We Treat

What We Treat @ Recovery Direct Recovery Direct is an evidence-based recovery centre for a broad range of mental health and wellness services. Our primary areas of focus include substance use, intimacy, depressive, anxiety and eating disorders. Recovery Direct Treatment  Click Here Recovery Direct helps to treat substance use, behaviour and underlying trauma, through a comprehensive multi-faceted treatment…

Cocaine Addiction

What is Cocaine? Cocaine is a narcotic stimulant extracted from the leaves of the coca plant. It is legitimately used in the medical field as a local anaesthetic for minor surgery. It is also one of the most abused illegal drugs in the world, due to the short term euphoria it causes. It is highly…

How to Help Someone After Treatment

An person who has stopped indulging in cycles of substance abuse, is usually referred to as a person recovering from a substance use disorder. The word “recovering” or “in recovery” is used instead of “recovered”, because they may remain vulnerable to a relapse, and therefore never fully recover from the effects of the addiction, even…

Am I Addicted to Drugs?

MOST SUBSTANCE ADDICTIONS can start because of unresolved past trauma Traumatic events unfortunately happen. Your minds may not have been able to deal with the event at the time, but it still lives in memories which may be impacting your present and future life. LET’S GET STARTED Recovery Direct Treatment  Click Here The American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and…

What is Addiction?

Addiction is a disorder characterised by compulsive, ongoing, repetitive engagement in harmful behaviours or substances. It includes obsessive use of substances, and/or harmful activity not involving substance use. Addiction covers both taking something (such as habit-forming drugs, like cocaine, dagga and alcohol) or doing something (like compulsive gambling, eating disorders, sex addictions). The person loses…

Get Help With Substance Use Disorders

SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS Compulsive substance use is often a symptom of a deeper, underlying causes. Watching a family member, friend, or coworker with an substance use disorder can be very difficult. Specialised care programs can help an you achieve personal recovery from many substance use disorders. LET’S GET STARTED Unresolved trauma can result in unrealistic…

Addiction in South Africa

Dagga Addiction Online Counselling in Johannesburg Treatment for dagga/marijuana/cannabis abuse is different for each patient and can include a combination of several types of therapy. Finding the right addiction recovery treatment programme for dagga addiction can make all the difference. Read moreCocaine Addiction Treatment Addiction is one of the most challenging problems dealt with in…

Myths and Facts About Cannabis Use

There are a lot of misconceptions floating around about cannabis, some of which are propagated by advocates and some of which are spread by opponents. There are also a shocking number of websites that present misleading arguments in favour of its use. Here are some cold, hard truths that can’t be avoided: Myth: People do not…

Pain Medication Addiction Help

Pain Medication Addiction Painkiller addiction is one of the most widespread and least understood addictions in society today. Painkiller addiction is often defined by a compulsive use of painkillers that lead to harm or some form of dysfunction, and the continued use of painkillers in spite of this harm or dysfunction. There are several formats…