Online rehab programmes, designed for you.
Be free from distraction, free from judgment.
Discreet . restorative . mental wellness
Here To Help You Find Peace
Get your life back. Online guides to help you explore the effects of your relationships, emotions, physical and psychological wellbeing.
We have been there, you simply need to move forward without judgement. Moving from where you are now, to where you want yourself to be.
Substance Use Disorders
Trauma and PTSD
Damaged Emotions
South Africa’s “Best Therapy Centre” For Your Mental Wellness
See why Recovery Direct is seen as one of the best and most intensive evidence-based therapeutic care centres in South Africa. Click the play button to see the video overview of the Therapy Centre in Johannesburg, or see below the features of the rehab centre that separate us from the traditional methods of establishing psychological wellness on a broad range of symptoms.
Unconditional positive regard
We listen without judgement or preconceived ideas.
We listen in absolute confidentiality and with care.
We listen to understand and really hear you.
We work through each issue as it comes up, no matter what that is or how difficult it is to say the words.
We accept you as you are and work with you to shift what you want to change, at your own pace.
You are free to move through all of your feelings and experiences in a safe space – without having to change any of it for any reason.
We hold your vulnerability and help you rebuild yourself.

Recovery Direct’s is a group of specialised rehab centres in Johannesburg that provides exclusive outpatient and groups based counselling services for a wide range of mental health and wellness topics.
Out specialist counsellors offer an evidence-led model that is updated with the latest research in the most effective treatment. The appreciative approach to care means that your individualised care can be exponentially more effective than in other “rehab facilities in South Africa” simply because you are being treated like a human being without the “labels” or the stigma.
Our uncompromised belief is that treatment should be by invitation from a safe and restorative environment.
This centre is crafted to reduce stress to enhance therapeutic counselling and care programme.

This is a non-governmental private therapy that provides specialised individual care services designed around your personal recovery objectives.
We do not compromise on rehab treatment or cut corners using free recovery services like anonymous groups or unqualified counsellors. We use all resources at our disposal to ensure that you are being looked after at the centre and that your therapy can be most effective.
Each person in the care programme is allocated a personal support team to uncover your personal journey and ensure that you stay on track at all times.

This programme sets the gold standard for rehab care in South Africa and has pioneered a comprehensive and holistic treatment programme that is designed to holistically support each patient as an individual.
All sessions are absolutely confidential, evidence-based and are conducted by employed professional staff with no commercial bias or intent.
Our dedicated expert counsellor teams focus on providing you with the professional help and care that you need to recover from mental health or addiction-related issues.​

The proximity to some of the worlds best family psychologists, psychiatrists and trauma therapists enables us to tap into a vast wealth of knowledge beyond our multidisciplinary addictions counselling support. Family therapy, couples therapy or marital therapy may be integral to the greater recovery process.
Johannesburg rehab has always been the “escape” destination for many inbound travellers both locally and abroad. Mental health recovery and lifestyle change through yoga, meditation, wellness in the day spa market has exploded. This is a niche that serves so many peoples lives beyond their addiction.
While the day spa niche serves many, the RD provides a more evidence-based focus on psychotherapeutic care. We recognise that psychology may not have worked for you in the past. This is why we drop the “labels” and call it by a better name “care”. Care for substances, anxiety, depression, food, codependency and trauma etc. Care for you as an individual, using whatever will work for you as an individual.

Our holistic approach to trauma rehabilitation works by understanding your unique needs and then developing the right tools for you to move forward, irrespective of what they are. We have the “adopt what works for you, and leave the rest” ethos.
The day plan works on a simple mindful routine of healthy mealtimes, focused social interactions, educational meetings, and a range of mindfulness-based practices, hypnosis, yoga, meditation and life coaching. These are elective invitations that work alongside the dedicated talk therapy programme.
Most rehab treatment centres in the world only support the monochromatic viewpoint of the total abstinence model found in the anonymous groups.
The RD rehab programme in Johannesburg is one of the few that provides client-centric support for you to regain control of the substance or behaviour cycle as opposed to irradicating it.
The term harm reduction oversimplifies a process in reducing the effects of the behaviours so that they are no longer “harmful” to the individual.
This objective has gained a substantial gravitational pull over the last few years with innumerate internet groups. Essentially it can work for many “binge” users on the principle of removing the underlying causes that are powering their more “destructive behaviours” and letting them make their own life choices with support and guidance.

Why talk therapy can be so effective
We live in a world that dictates our worth or value based on how other people “approve” or “perceive” us.
Consciously or subconsciously fear can prohibit you from meeting many kinds of expectations, or simply doing the things that make you happy; Fear is at its most destructive point when you stop believing in yourself.
A care model for recovery works, without judgement or stigma, it seeks to empower you through active conversation.
The care model shapes itself through you. Specialised conversations simply allow you to re-establish an authentic and supportive connection with your own internal dialogue.
We all sit on a lifetime of “stuff” to get through in a very short space of time in counselling treatment. This is why it is important to get the most value out of the time and money that you spend in therapy. That “value” can only be realised through making the breakthroughs that are most relevant to your life.
We designed a “care programme” based on researched best practice and NOT on ineffective, rhetorical or traditional modes of treatment.
Inside this model, you will be working with personalised, confidential, professional counselling designed to provide you with a supported, solid foundation for your personal growth.
Supportive personal therapy is what is needed to help you make as many critical breakthroughs in the shortest timeframes possible. RD hosts an evidence-based program that uses a highly dynamic multidisciplinary therapist team to support specialised individual counselling for each patient. This dynamic leverage the invaluable experience of an entire counselling team in support of you.
Understanding Talk Therapy
There is a broad range of psychotherapeutic styles that experienced therapists naturally use when in conversational talk therapy with their patients. Experienced therapists are able to shift and adapt between these styles automatically based on a number of indications reflected in the conversational dialogue. Each therapist interprets this feedback loop in their own way and intuitively guides the conversation toward constructive personal realisation outputs without actually directing the individual.
The exponential benefit of having multidisciplinary counselling team members working in collaboration with each patient and each other is unparalleled in any centre of this nature in the world. The investment of professional individual one-on-one counselling hours inside the same 28-day treatment cycle is up to 900% more individual counselling sessions by qualified counsellors than most other “treatment” centres in the world.
Unconditional Positive Regard
Recovery Direct’s addiction rehabilitation and recovery counselling centres in Johannesburg offer one of the world’s best non-punitive treatment centre programmes. Respect, empathy and absolute discretion are maintained throughout the treatment process and are the hallmarks of our treatment philosophy.
It’s about you being in a dignified, supportive, secure and embracing environment designed to remove the shame, embarrassment and stigma so that you can just get well again. You are treated like an adult and are able to rapidly adapt and apply the process of rebuilding your life free from unwanted behaviours and cycles.
The programme provides meaningful tips and personalised strategies for coping with cravings and dealing with relapse that can be applied in everyday life circumstances. Recovery Direct support and guidance you needed from the first step into treatment with free group meetings and auxiliary support after treatment.
Many symptoms may indicate that something needs professional help
Drug rehabilitation: Are you using “street drugs”, prescription medication, over the counter medication, alcohol, nicotine in a way that is detrimental to your wellbeing? Substances replace many natural coping mechanisms or divert emotional pain, time to deal with the cause.
Are you feeling depressed, anxious, stressed, unhappy, hopeless, angry, suicidal or like you don’t have a purpose in life? Ruminating cycles of thought robbing you of being the most authentic version of yourself. Let’s learn to be kinder, more for forgiving to yourself.
Are you ok with yourself, partners, parents, siblings, children, friends and colleagues? Stuck in toxic family dynamics and battles leaving you unsure of the way forward? All too often we are too close to the flame to see what is really happening.
Are you compulsively using exercise, shopping, gambling, work, food, sex, affairs, pornography or masturbation to numb deeper emotional damage? Often these behaviours are misunderstood, steeped in stigma with disastrous consequences.
Are you feeling burnt out, undervalued, underappreciated, that you “don’t fit” or that there is too much pressure on you, or that nothing seems to work out? These thoughts can become highly invasive and even suicidal. There is no shame in asking for help.
When last did you take a real “time out” for exploring true “self-care”. Establishing a connection to your physical, emotional, spiritual self. From the food, you eat to your intention to heal. Creating healthy self-care routines in every area of your life.
Addiction, treatment and recovery : Over the last 10 years, the progress of mental health treatment into recovery has substantially advanced. Through specialised and dynamic talk therapy, mindfulness practices in dedicated care centres are an incredibly powerful medium to unlock many stuck thought patterns and help you recover your life again, living free from addiction, depression, and anxiety to find your mental wellness.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”
You can never “solve” your past traumatic experiences as they are historic artefacts of your life experience.
However, you can understand how these past events may be affecting current behaviours and which practical tools you could use to alleviate their emotional impacts or guide you to a better life current.
Emotional trauma can come from direct physical abuse or neglect to indirect abuse or neglect. Oftentimes it is hard to tell the exact origin because you may have grown up in “traumatizing” or “high stress” circumstances that have become your version of “normal”.
This is where professional recovery counselling can be so useful for recovery and the rehabilitation of one’s psyche.
The mind is designed to not forget events or circumstances that made you feel unsafe. The timeframe does not actually matter as the stress systems may embed into your subconscious behaviours throughout your life unless worked on.
So your current life crisis may seemingly have nothing to do with your past trauma.
However, it is not entirely true because you know that your current life experiences, behaviours, responses and emotions use the very same “programming” of all your past experiences.
Trauma care is NEVER about assigning blame or retribution or finding faults with others or yourself. We understand that people very often were traumatised themselves and these behaviours are the end products of their experience of trauma.
Taking the time to actively acknowledge the series of events throughout our lives that have created the multi-dimensional layers and the drivers of avoidance, denial and self-defeating or aggressive behaviours that get subconsciously stuck into cycles beyond conscious control.
Your mind psychologically wants to “protect” or “soothe” you, using these repeating cycles as it sees them as the “safest” option, given the circumstances. In order to reprogram your mind away from these cycles, we need to safely identify and settle your understanding of these past events.
Then discover new channels to functionally fit into your daily life to help you mediate your future self when confronted with new external “triggers” or stressors. Using simple effective personal development breakthroughs to work on the correct functioning of your mind, body and spirit as a complete and interconnected system.
Our undertaking is to understand what has happened and find out which emotionally restorative avenues can be taken for everyone concerned.
Learn more about what psychological trauma is on our weekly blog that covers complex post-traumatic stress disorders, causes of PTSD, childhood trauma and attachment-based traumas.

You may not know what is “wrong”, but we know how to ask the right questions that will give you answers.
You are at here to be heard, understood, supported and empowered, nothing more and nothing less. This is simply a space for you to decompress, reorder and your well-being. You are here without judgement, labels, blame, shame, guilt or fear.
We are here to help you get from where you are now, to where you want to be.
Let’s find out what is really going on.
There is no “formula”to helping a human being.
We listen to you, carefully and without judgement.
As your story unfolds, your path forwards will become clearer.
We listen to you, with understanding, care and empathy.
This space is your platform to be heard and acknowledged.
We listen to what you are saying and what you are not saying.
And the things you do not want to say, but need to.
You are here to get better, feel better, work better and live better.
As scary as personal journeys feel in the beginning, we understand because we have been there. This is a place of profound, personal growth and you are supported through care and guidance.
Frequently asked questions about the rehab centre in Johannesburg
What are Recovery Direct's exchange groups?
Professionally led “groups” or “exchange” is a peer-supported dialogue unique to your recovery process yet in a more social framework. The community living at the centre and past patients meet daily in free exchange groups wherein we cover a broad range of dynamic conversations led by our qualified therapist staff.
What is the dynamic treatment model?
Your evidence-based rehab plan is adjusted and refined each day so you are with us to achieve your objectives in the shortest time frame possible. That is our goal. To get to the furthest point we can for you in the time we have with you, so that when you leave you have gained a profound change.
The treatment dynamic means that sometimes we need to go off-plan and improvise to ensure that your recovery objectives are going to be met. This is where we dynamically adjust our course of treatment to ensure the best possible outcome for all.
What are psycho-educational insights?
Psychoeducational insight conversations about how your thinking patterns may occur naturally, given certain life circumstances. These Insights provide a base for you to reflect your own behaviours and responses against that of what typically happens given similar life circumstances. These insights give you a platform from which you can integrate and understand the sources of so many behaviours. This includes many missing components to many foundational childhood experiences and adaptions of behaviours in later life.
What is unconditional positive regard?
To ensure you maximise your treatment by focusing only on the things that matter most to you. As a guest, you are in an appreciative, supportive and calming environment. Unconditional positive regard is the absolute acceptance and support of you as a person regardless of what you say or do, especially in relation to your client-centred therapy at Recovery Direct.
What is the morning practice?
Recovery Direct hosts a daily morning practice called “Setting” which introduces the routine of inviting you into a combination of yoga and breathwork exercises that are uniquely staged to strengthen your nervous system and to help you focus on establishing new healthy routines in your life outside of the therapy programme.
Can you treat depression?
Depression, anxiety, substance use, trauma are all mental health conditions that can be helped through medications and talk therapy services. Qualified counsellors are trained in dealing with these topics and are the recommended avenue toward long-term recovery. Our therapists simply provide a highly confidential platform for treatment to be most caring and effective.
Who is my dedicated team?
You will have two specialist counsellors from our multidisciplinary team dedicated to supporting you each step of the way. Whilst at the centre you will have a one on one session with each of your counsellors each day. Collectively you will work with your support team to ensure that the best outcomes for you are top of mind.
What does goal orientated treatment involve?
Each aspect of the Recovery Direct program is evidence-based and designed with restorative goals in mind in order for your progress to be measured and to optimise the treatment delivery in the most efficient time frames.
What is a fully integrative approach?
Your mind does not exist in isolation of the many ecosystems that support your greater wellbeing. Psychoeducation, healthy food, restorative sleep, body, spine and muscle self-care, relaxation and spiritual growth connection are fundamental tools that are inherently part of treatment routine changes at the RD residential Online Counselling Centre Johannesburg. Many of these tools you are able to adapt and adopt in your life outside of the centre and can contribute greatly to establishing your greater wellbeing.
Why is gut health so important to the wellbeing?
Highly specific meal plans are designed to support and restore your body’s natural balances with organs functioning as they are naturally intended to. Whenever your body isn’t producing enough of the right nutrients or they are out of balance, you will naturally start to feel irritable and anxious as your serotonin and other natural brain chemical levels fluctuate. Inside the first year or two of recovery, your nutritional requirements are much higher than normal and thus establishing healthy eating routines is vital to your recovery.
What are evidence based rehab centres?
The evidence-based approach to addiction treatment is distinctly different from the way most addiction has been treated in South Africa to date. The therapies used in the evidence led treatment centres are based on proven studies on successful addiction treatment worldwide.
Recovery Direct has adopted an evidence-based treatment programme that deals with a range of substance and behaviour based issues but extends to many conditions such as depression, anxiety, chronic stress, gambling, sex and eating disorders personal and relationship-based trauma.
Modern, ethical, dynamic, evidence-based care program. Smart tools designed to be used inside and outside of the centre.
Is this a mental wellness centre?
Recovery Direct helps you to find evidence-based tools that will restore your wellbeing (whatever that may be). While many wellness centres in offer a range of “therapeutic” services. Only Recovery Direct offers a wellness programme that uses proven therapeutic for restoring your personal wellbeing.
People may have conditions such as addiction, depression, anxiety, however, regain control of their emotional states and wellbeing in their relationships that are the real drivers of their conditions.
Why is daily one-on-one therapy so important?
Daily individual one-on-one sessions with your counsellors can guide you to any “stuck” thought processes (using a range of dynamic psychotherapeutic techniques). Non-judgemental, supportive, validating care through confidential talk therapy is one of the most direct, effective and sustainable methods to restoring mental wellbeing in a large majority of cases.
What is my treatment plan?
A one on one therapeutic plan is an evolving process of talk therapy that is created with dedicated counsellors from our multidisciplinary team and yourself. We need to work with you to understand what is needed to really help. Your treatment plan is a collaboration between you and our two dedicated therapist counsellors.
What is the assessment of needs principal?
Based on what you tell us we plan our team to best align with your recovery needs. When you call us for help, we start profiling which of our counsellors is best suited to assess your needs. This assessment is continually underway to ensure that at all times the best suited, advice and care is being given to you given your personal circumstance.
What is mindfulness based recovery?
Mindfulness is a shift in the way that you pay attention but with that subtle shift, your entire world can transform from the inside out. We have adopted many techniques in the regulation of emotion and connection. Mindfulness is an act of creation in finding yourself in moments where you may experience a deep sense of connection. Yoga, meditation and guided conversation all contribute to the acknowledgement of a deeper sense of yourself, which is a vital component to healing a lifetime of trauma-based behaviours.
What is a multidisciplinary counselling team?
Professional, qualified, experienced counsellors working individually and collectively in dynamic teams that support you as an individual is the hallmark of Multidisciplinary Counselling. This format of counselling in a treatment centre environment can in many cases be considered as far more beneficial than many privately contracted counselling services. There are many reasons for this optimisation of service delivery, the two most important being.
- The assessment process in a treatment centre includes the matching of specific counsellors to you as a person, couple or family.
- The treatment dynamics and using the pooled skillsets of a team to guide the more effective treatment paths for individuals.
Where is the centre?
Recovery Direct Online Therapy South Africa is based in Randburg in Johannesburg, South Africa. A complete map to the treatment centre can be found on our contact us page here.
Other Resources?
https://www.onlinerehab.co.za/ (Online Rehab Program)
https://www.relapseprevention.co.za/ (Relapse Prevention)
https://www.alcoholaddiction.co.za/ (Alcohol Addiction Help)
https://www.anxiety.co.za/ (Help With Anxiety)
https://www.edsa.co.za/ (Eating Disorder Recovery)
https://www.u-kan.co.uk/ (Online Therapy From UK)
Online Trauma & Addiction Counselling
Cape Town Productions (Production Company)
Personality SA (News)
https://dopalist.com/ (Recovery News)
https://psychiatric.co.za/ (Mental Health Care)
https://rehabsouthafrica.co.za/ (South African Rehabs)
https://addictioncounselling.co.za/ (Addiction Counselling SA)
What Our Clients Say
Thank you RD for giving me my life back. Living in a failed marriage was one of the hardest times of my life but you made me really see that the divorce was just a turning point in my new journey. I wish I had sought help for my destructive behaviours so much sooner than I did. You guys are truly miracle workers and I am more than happy to recommend Recovery Direct Online Therapy South Africa to anyone that needs help with substance and alcohol addictions. All my love Jane
Recovery Direct saved my life. I thought that I had a brain disease and that I would live in fear of being an addict forever. Now that I understand that what I have is a “substance use disorder” that was triggered by events that were from my past, I know that I can manage it. I feel better every day. Thank you to everyone at RD.
Luxury and efficiency, wrapped into a very comprehensive and cost-effective package. I could not ask for better. And all off the grid, so the water shortages didn’t stop me from bathing! What an experience. I have left a changed person. Recovery Direct is simply the best.
I am not a bad person. I suffered trauma when I was growing up, which really sucked. The pain made me do things that I was very ashamed of and coming to the realisation now that I needed to make some tactical changes to my life. Now that I understand why I did what I did, I can now make sure I never do anything like that ever again. Thank you Recovery Direct it was worth every cent.
I went to treatment many times and none of it worked. At RD I was allowed to keep my cellphone so I could deal with all the stress and pressure from my family as it happened! Now we are all friends again. Things have never been better. If anyone is needing help I would highly recommend Recovery Direct.
I was always told I’m a bad person and everything bad that happened to be was my fault because well, I was in active addiction. But I learn’t that punitive / tough love treatment only fuelled my self hatred. I felt I deserved to have a terrible life. That I had nothing to contribute and if I made it to my next birthday I’d be lucky. RD taught me how to be a responsible, contributing citizen and most of all how to forgive myself and deal with everything that lead me down this dark path.
RD has t be one of the best care centres not only in South Africa but in the world. I have been in and out of rehabs on / off for the last 10 years. Never have I ever been to one that has treated me with dignity and respect and actually helped me understand why I am unable to control my drug use. I feel like I am finally free thanks to the team at Recovery Direct. I was not able to complete the 28 days but I joined the outpatient programme and 6 months sober and never going back to that person I was before.
Back in the UK and I am stunned to say that I have been sober for the last 3 months with no thought of going back to my former life. There was a time where I knew that I was going to die and the drink was going to kill me. Alcohol had taken over my life and it was ruining everything that was important to me. RD has helped me break free from this horrific lifestyle and I cannot express enough how grateful I am to the staff of RD.
By far the best private care. I cannot believe how much time I wasted going the 12 step route of treatment and all the needless relapses. The personal development goals that I now have are realistic and attainable and with time I will achieve them. Thank you for the personalised recovery programme and support you have provided me and my family over this time.
I am finally looking forward to the rest of my life. Stuck in such a deep and suicidal depression for so long took it’s toll on me. My family could see what damage I was doing to myself but let me do it anyway. It took a lot from me to make that call and I am glad I did. RD has some very dedicated and highly experienced therapists and counsellors and took such great care of me when I needed the help.
Thank you for calming setting that you provide, there is a real opportunity to unpack in a safe environment and create a treatment plan for the corrective strategies that will ultimately lead to long-term recovery from my anxiety and my addictions. I still live with the anxiety but I have learned how to get past these destructive barriers in a way that does not involve chemicals to soothe me. All my love.
Finally, a place that understood me as a person and not as an addict. I have been healed from what I thought was an addiction to alcohol and drugs and that now I know to be previous experienced trauma from my childhood. I have a new lease on my life and I feel like there is so much I have missed, but now can do. Thank you so much.
I don’t believe that addiction is a disease. Rather that there are many contributing factors that lead normal people into addictions which as in my case was completely trauma driven. I feel like I have been missing something so obvious and through counselling, I have learned to value myself and my family. Thank you RD for everything you have done, I cannot explain this in a one-liner.
Many centres claim to offer what provides, however it is simply not accurate. 12 step group meetings with very little one on one specialist therapy did not help me. With RD I was front and centre with a therapist every day who took me through an intensive yet progressive journey with absolute care and support. Thank you for everything, I am a new woman.
Process of healing yourself and previous trauma is to see what and where you are triggered. Then to stop your response to that trigger and to bring yourself back to the present knowing that you are safe and still in control. Repeating this in safe environments permits you to gradually desensitise from the trauma as opposed to trying to forget it or dull the pain with substance abuse or self defeating behaviours.
Spend three weeks at in therapy is like spending six months at the other programmes. This is a highly intensive thing. I feel like the breakthroughs I have made over the last couple of weeks I would have never have reached on my own. Having been in and out of treatment for years, I cannot impress how different this experience has been. I am finally able to start my life again free from substances.
Traditionally addiction has been treated in the format of spiritual recovery programmes based around the anonymous 12 step community. While this community is an invaluable option for many people there may be many layers of past trauma that power the perpetuation of addiction based behaviours. This is where trauma rehab centres offer individualised therapy to deal with what is happening for the individual on a personalised basis.
Recovery Direct rehab in Johannesburg is one of the few rehabs in Johannesburg that provide free online drug and alcohol addiction recovery courses. Many people want to know how much is rehab in South Africa. This is not an easy question to answer as so many drug rehab centres in Johannesburg offer exclusive private care facilities that can be very expensive yet if you are looking for free addiction treatment the online course is a great place to start.
Finding rehab centres that are free in Johannesburg is not that easy, while many anonymous groups that operate near me are not only affordable but free, they do not actually qualify or stage themselves as a rehab centre but a support group. While free counselling in Johannesburg is only provided through a number of Government-funded operations like SANCA. Rehab treatment clinics invariably follow the 12 steps (Minnesota model) for alcohol and drug rehabilitation as the model is able to leverage the ubiquitous anonymous groups that can be helpful in long-term addiction recovery.
Many ex-pats visit Johannesburg for rehab treatment due to residential rehab costing substantially less than treatment in the United Kingdom, Europe and the States which further pushes the prices of local rehabs up but rehabs in the Mother City are also a firm favourite with patients that admit from Rehabs in Johannesburg, Gauteng, Bloemfontein or Kwa Zulu Natal. Many executives from Joburg prefer the luxury offered by Johannesburg’s Top rehab centres to what is offered in Johannesburg. Luxury rehabilitation centres in South Africa compete with some of the world’s best rehabs, including those in the UK and Switzerland. However, most people simply cannot afford premium treatment yet there are many options for patients that are determined to get high-quality help.
The Recovery Direct online course provides an evidence-based guide to dealing with addictions using an online course that is free. This is a very good place to start when getting help with addiction because it provides a solid understanding of the addiction and recovery process for not only the person suffering from alcohol, drug or other related addiction but it provides insights for therapists and family members who equally require guidance and support. Rehabs are only good for the initial stages of withdrawal and breaking the cycle of addiction but people find long-term recovery in understanding and resolving the circumstances that are causing the process.
While the rehab course provides insights it does not and is not designed to replace groups or therapy wherein individuals can express why they are where they are. Many life circumstances cause people to fall into addiction cycles and sometimes those circumstances exist in memory that is beyond the obvious, which is why ongoing psychotherapy can be such a useful tool. Therapy with a professional psychotherapist is not free, qualified therapists can charge anywhere from R200 per 40 min session to over R1000 per session. Finding a therapist that specializes in helping people with addictions is also quite tricky as most modern psychotherapy training does not include enough emphasis on addiction recovery and the many new concepts that have been proven over the last 10 years. An addiction therapist will understand the role of trauma and the many contributing factors that are outlined in the Recovery Direct free course.
This Johannesburg Rehab care programme provides a safe, tranquil and restorative environment for your care. As the leading programme, you can be assured that you are being helped by some of the most compassionate, professional, experienced counsellors and staff. We are here to help make some of the most significant steps forward in the progress of your life.